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A lot of people would say that Christians believe bad people go to hell when they die and good people go to heaven. This is very simple and very pagan. Many non-Christians hope that they will go to heaven - somewhere nice - when they die. Many Christians are sure that most unbelievers, sooner or later, will end up in hell - somewhere nasty. Both these views owe more to paganism than to Biblical teaching.

I hope in this article to examine what the Bible says about life after death. It is very, very, clear about some matters but much less clear on others. The issues it is unequivocal about are what we really need to know. The things that are left vague and uncertain are not important for us to know. We might like to know them but, perhaps, an explanation would leave us none the wiser.

It is important to know what the New Testament Scriptures teach about life after death. It is amazing to me that beliefs dating back to the pre-Christian pagan religion of the Anglo-Saxons should still masquerade as Christian. They are nothing of the sort and should long since have been rooted out of the doctrinal statements of Christian churches.