One of the last walks that I did with my much-loved Uncle David was along the river Otter in South Devon. It is everything a river should be. It flows at a cheerful pace between banks of shingle and in places it is overlooked by red sandstone bluffs. Kingfisher, dipper and grey wagtail grace its length. Our walk finished at Otter Mill where we stopped for a traditional cream tea. It was our pleasure as we sat outside feasting on scones and jam to watch other holiday-makers come and go. One incident was of special interest. A small, pretty, blond haired girl was following her father and both were carrying trays piled high with crockery back into the tearoom. A daughter helping her dad! Suddenly a cup and glass slipped off the girl's tray with a dramatic smash. Her reaction was instructive. She just stopped, readjusted her tray to the horizontal, and waited quietly and calmly by the broken objects. Her father glanced round before proceeding into the cafe without speaking a word. He was soon back to silently but carefully sweep the shattered debris up. Then he took the tray from his daughter. She picked up the brush and dustpan. The father spoke for the first time, "Come on Hannah." Together they walked back into the cafe. When they returned Hannah and her dad walked off hand in hand. My Uncle actually clapped - he was so impressed by the behaviour of the father. I admired the faith of the little girl. She trusted her father to sort out the mess. She wasn't frightened, distressed or even embarrassed. It reminded me of the words in Psalm 46v10 Be still and know that I am God

If by any strange chance Hannah reads these words I would be pleased to hear from her!!!.