The Acts of the Apostles is a very exciting and interesting book. Unfortunately the experiences recounted are far removed from my own. I have never witnessed a miracle, a Pentecostal outpouring of the Holy Spirit, rapid church growth or a prison beating. I can identify strongly with the Epistle of James, the Epistle to the Hebrews and Jesus' teaching in the Gospels but I cannot identify with much that happened in the Acts of the Apostles. So I haven't always found it easy to make the events recorded relevant to the Christian life as many live it today. I have done my best!

I have used the following books to understand the text:
(1) You are my witnesses by Gordon J. Keddie.
(2) Be Daring by Warren W. Wiersbee.
(3) Tyndale New Testament Commentary on Acts by I. Howard Marshall.
(4) The Acts of the Apostles by William Barclay.
(5) The Message of Acts by John R.W.Stott.
(6) The Pulpit Commentary on Acts - full of good ideas!

These books, and especially the last, also helped me to draw lessons from the dynamic ministeries of Peter and Paul fired as they were by the Holy Spirit.