Nos Reference Title
1 Mark14v1to11 Precious Perfume
2 Mt1v23 Immanuel
3 Luke2v36to38 Old Anna
4 Mk4v21to25 Responding to the Truth
5 Luke5v34to39 Jesus defends his disciples
6 Matthew6v22to23 The Generous Spirit.
7 1Sam1v1to20 Hannah's Prayer
8 Luke13v6to10 The Barren Fig Tree
9 Luke2v10 The Christmas message.
10 Luke15v8to10 The lost coin
11 Luke2v8to20 The Shepherds and the Angels
12 Matthew12v20 The bruised reed and smoking flax
13 Matthew1v18to25 Joseph the husband of Mary
14 Luke2v33to35 Simeon's warning
15 James1v17 Every good and perfect gift
16 2Cor8v9 Enriched by the grace of Christ
17 2Cor9v15 God's inescribable gift
18 Psalm 72 The Royal Son
19 John 1 The True Light
20 Samuel 1 to 25 Samuel, last and greatest judge
21 1John5v12 He who has the son has life
22 Hosea14v5and6 The dew unto Israel
23 Luke2v10 Joy to the World
24 Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God