Personal Statement

My father was a Grace Baptist Minister and I have attended the last church he pastored for over 50 years. So I am a member of a Reformed or Calvinistic Association of Churches out of loyalty to the Christian people amongst whom I grew up. Unfortunately I do not hold unreservedly to Reformed Doctrine. I am doubtful about what makes the Grace Baptists distinctive but wholeheartedly share the same beliefs about Jesus. I expect there are a lot of Christians like me - not quite in sympathy with the doctrinal statements of the churches to which they belong. I am an Elder of a small rural church in Suffolk, England. It is an aging and declining fellowship. This colours much of my thinking. By profession I was a Geography Teacher. In 2001 I retired and started writing expositions for this site. I suppose, if I am honest, it is partly because I have only had a very small audience for them to date. I hope you will,'taste and see', if the work is good. I would be pleased if it was of help to someone.

I accept what the Scriptures claim for themselves: All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2Tim3v16. The Bible is unlike any other book - it has shown itself to be inspired of God by its power to change lives. However, it does need to be interpreted and understood. To do this every Christian should make use of the contribution of Bible scholars and be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit but in the final analysis a believer has to use his or her own judgment.


          Matthew 13 v52 He (Jesus) said to them, "Therefore every teacher.... who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old."